Students will be learning about things they like and dislike, what they do during the week, films, how they celebrate their birthday and talking about life as a celebrity.
Key grammar points: Using irregular and regular verbs in the present tense, using the near future, using three tenses together.
GV3 Developing vocabulary
LC5 Accurate pronunciation
LC1 Listening and responding
LC8 Translation into Spanish
GV3 Opinions and discussions
LC4 Expressing ideas (writing)
I prefer
My mum likes
One week ago
The best thing
The worst thing
To rest
I had a great time
It was unforgettable
It was good/bad weather
It was hot
To rent/hire
Pupils need to show humility when working in groups and compassion when doing Peer Assessment. Pupils work to help each other learn and complete tasks such as dialogues
Students learn about and reflect upon the development of a sense of identity, self-worth, personal insight, meaning and purpose in a country divided by language, culture and tradition.
Students will be learning how discuss what they have to do at work, talk about their future life and describe their job.
Key grammar points: Using the verb "tener que", suing correct verb agreement, more practice with the near future, more practice using three tenses.
GV2 Grammatical structures (tener que + infinitive)
GV3 Developing vocabulary
LC3 Conversation
LC5 Speaking coherently and confidently
LC6 Reading comprehension
GV3 Opinions and discussions
LC1 Listening and responding
LC3 Conversation
LC6 Translation into English
As interesting as
To wear
Shoe shop
Vocational training
A levels
To start/ to finish
To be on time
To win a trophy/ prize
Social education in MFL concerns communicating for a purpose with people from other cultural and social backgrounds. The social element of language learning comes both from learning about other societies and learning together in the classroom.
Students learn about and reflect upon the development of a sense of identity, self-worth, personal insight, meaning and purpose in a country divided by language, culture and tradition.
The students will be learning and talking about having a healthy diet, talking about having an active life style, daily routine, getting fit and about ailments.
Key grammar points: Using direct object pronouns, using stem-changing verbs, using reflexive verbs, using "se debe/ no se debe", using me duele/n.
GV3 Developing vocabulary
LC4 Expressing ideas (speaking)
LC1 Listening and responding
LC2 Transcription
LC4 Expressing ideas (speaking and writing)
LC5 Accurate pronunciation and intonation
GV3 Opinions and discussions
LC3 Conversation
Upload videos
To download music
To stay at home
A book worm
To tire your eyes
Supports you
Pupils need to show humility when working in groups and compassion when doing Peer Assessment. Pupils work to help each other learn and complete tasks such as dialogues
Social education in MFL concerns communicating for a purpose with people from other cultural and social backgrounds. The social element of language learning comes both from learning about other societies and learning together in the classroom.
The students are going to be able to discuss and learn about children's rights, fair trade, recycling, about how a town has changed and fundraising. This is a very important unit as it is the first time we discuss these topics at KS3, which makes it a perfect introduction to the GCSE curriculum.
Key grammar points: using the verb "poder", expressing a point of view (opinions), using "se debería" (conditional), using imperfect tense (new tense).
GV3 Opinions and discussions
GV4 Accuracy (grammar)
LC6 Translation into English
LC6 Reading comprehension
LC8 Translation into Spanish
LC1 Listening and responding
LC5 Speaking coherently and confidently
LC3 Conversation (dealing with the unexpected)
LC5 Accurate pronunciation and intonation
I have the right
It is not fair
Fair trade
To recycle
To save energy
We should
To turn the light off
To save water
To have a shower instead of a bath
To throw rubbish on the ground
There is less rubish
It does not have dangerous neighbourhoods
Pupils need to show humility when working in groups and compassion when doing Peer Assessment. Pupils work to help each other learn and complete tasks such as dialogues
Students learn about and reflect upon the development of a sense of identity, self-worth, personal insight, meaning and purpose in a country divided by language, culture and tradition.
The students are going to learn about meeting and greeting people, will talk about a treasure hunt, discussing buying souvenirs, and will talk about what they will do in the future.
Key grammar points: Using expressions with "tener", using the superlative, using the comparative, suing the simple future (new tense).
GV4 Accuracy (grammar)
LC3 Conversation (social conventions)
LC6 Reading comprehension
LC8 Translation into Spanish
GV3 Developing vocabulary
LC3 Conversation (using modes of address)
LC4 Expressing ideas (writing)
LC6 Translation into English
LC3 Conversation (social conventions)
LC3 Dealing with the unexpected
LC5 Accurate pronunciation and intonation
The assessment will have two parts:
-describing a picture
On term 6 we will do an end of year assessment assessing all skills (apart form speaking).
I am hungry
I am thirsty
We have to
To eat churros
To take the cable car
To buy a postcard
Social education in MFL concerns communicating for a purpose with people from other cultural and social backgrounds. The social element of language learning comes both from learning about other societies and learning together in the classroom.
Students learn about and reflect upon the development of a sense of identity, self-worth, personal insight, meaning and purpose in a country divided by language, culture and tradition.
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