Welcome to Becket Keys Sixth Form
Applications for 2025
Deadline for applications is Monday 20th January 2025
Becket Keys Students: please use this form to book: https://tinyurl.com/SIXTHFORMSFFD25
External Applicants: please use this link to book: https://tinyurl.com/BecketKeysSFFD25
We are happy to answer any queries you have, please email: sixthform@becketkeys.org
Click here for information about our next Sixth Form events.
At Becket Keys, we understand how daunting the future might seem and how important it is to ensure that you are equipped with the confidence and qualifications to make the most of your opportunities. The Sixth Form at Becket Keys aims to provide you with the support you need to succeed, the expert tuition for you to flourish in your courses and opportunities to make the most of your unique, God-given talents.
We want you to feel that the Becket Keys Sixth Form is the best place for you to become the adult you want to be. As you will know, Becket Keys is a fairly new school, therefore, you have the chance to shape traditions for future generations of students to enjoy. You will be our leaders, the role models for younger students, the lead singers, expert athletes and the star debaters. However, you will also need to work hard, both in and, most importantly, outside lessons.
For this reason, we
want you to select your courses wisely. Do not just pick the subjects your friends are opting for; think about
the courses or careers you want to pursue next. Would these subjects be suitable? Do you enjoy them? Are you
likely to succeed in them? We are here to help you make the right choices and then to support you through Year
12 and Year 13.
We will have high expectations of all students entering the Sixth Form. We expect you to use your study lessons profitably, to meet deadlines and to contribute to your learning by challenging ideas, being respectful of the views of others, reading relevant material to inform your opinions and persevering when the work is difficult.
We also hope that you will join in school life enthusiastically, making the most of the super-curricular, extra-curricular activities and the exciting trips on offer. I look forward to welcoming you into the Sixth Form in September and wish you every success in your GCSE exams in June.
Mr Andy Scott-Evans, Headteacher