Curriculum Vision
The school believes in the importance of developing a curriculum that is enjoyable, encourages
responsibility, builds self-esteem, demands high standards, enables achievement and provides strong
foundations for future learning. We summarise this as a curriculum which develops wise students; our
definition of wisdom encompasses knowledge acquisition, skill development and personal moral development. The
school is committed to the principles of equal value and equal opportunity, supporting all students to achieve
their greatest potential not just academically, but also as creative, caring and responsible future adults.
The curriculum will have sufficient breadth, depth, balance and flexibility to meet the needs of all our
students, developing them intellectually, socially, culturally, spiritually and morally.
The school will meet all the statutory requirements for the curriculum and pay proper regard to legislation
along with our own policies for, equal opportunities, special educational needs, health and safety, and the
safeguarding of our students.
In developing its curriculum, the school will be guided by the National Curriculum and use its content and
structure as the basis of our provision.
Our curriculum aims to:
- Provide all students with the opportunity not just to achieve but to excel.
- Be broad and balanced, with a focus on the core subjects of English, mathematics and science,
while ensuring that all students are encouraged to achieve in all National Curriculum
subjects. A
key part of our provision is an entitlement for all to develop their skills and interests in
arts and sport.
- As well as the common curriculum there will be personalised curriculum pathways. All pathways
develop our students’ critical thinking skills and empower them as citizens, future employees
- At Key Stage 4, all students will be offered a pathway that leads to the English Baccalaureate
there will always be flexibility to adapt this for individuals with particular talents, gifts
progression routes.
- For the minority of students where an English Baccalaureate or equivalent pathway is not
appropriate, we will provide an alternative range of courses and options, enabling every
gain a sense of self-worth and achievement through engaging courses and options.
- Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development will be embedded throughout the
- Political matters
- Partisan political views will not be promoted in the teaching of any subject in the school
- Where political issues are bought to the attention of students, appropriate steps will be
to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views.
Each subject area has developed a programme of study to implement these curriculum aims. The
principles for this implementation are:
- Clear progress across all seven years of the school alongside regular opportunities for
and securing prior learning
- Depth before breadth, maximising learning time in all subjects
- Additional curriculum time in English and Mathematics to develop these key skills for life
- Targeted support and additional challenge to ensure students make progress at least in line
our expectations
- Engaging enrichment opportunities for all that are embedded in the classroom as well as beyond
- Relevance to the wider world and application to the world of work
In planning the curriculum, links between subjects will be developed and to support the development
of skills and the embedding of long-term recall of key knowledge
Wider curriculum