

Keep in touch with us here for more exams information. You can also check our exams notice board in school, outside Library B, for exams information.

Your Exams Officer is Miss Liz Dent. If you have any queries about exams, please contact 01277 286626 or email exams@becketkeys.org.

Exam timetables - View the current and upcoming exam timetables.

Exam results - View any information regarding exam results, including our previous years' results.

The JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) 'Information for candidates' documents can be found below and must be read if you are taking any exams:

Facing anxiety around exams?

The following websites may be of help -








Exam Prayer - written by Bishop Saxbee (Bishop of Lincoln)

Dear Lord,

I want to do my best to fulfil the potential you have given me.

Help me:

– to stay calm

– to keep things in perspective and be content with the best I can do on the day

– to look out for my friends who need a bit of encouragement, and

– to always remember that the real test is how closely I can follow in your way.


Waiting for Exam Results Prayer - written by a Gap Year Student


Keep reminding me of the bigger picture over the next few weeks,
Keep me in your hands when all other hands disappear,
For I am convinced that neither entry requirements nor exam results,
neither anticipation nor doubts, neither success nor failure, nor any expectations, neither last minute fears nor anxieties, nor anything else in life, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Please, don't let me forget it!
