Keeping children safe is our highest priority. Our safeguarding policy will adhere to and go beyond statutory requirements and will ensure that all students will feel safe and free from any form of harm while they are in the care of the school. The maintenance of the Single Central Record will be the responsibility of a named person and will record the names and details not only of current staff but also those who have left the school, and their destinations.
Child protection procedures will comply with those outlined nationally and by the Local Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB). There will be a named and appropriately trained Designated Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding Governor. There will be annual staff and governor training and new staff who join mid-year will be provided with 1:1 training so that they are familiar with the school's protocols and procedures.
Visiting Becket Keys?
RET schools all ensure that Safeguarding is taken extremely seriously in our schools. If you are a visitor to Becket Keys Church of England School, please read the information on this page carefully.
When you arrive
- All visitors must sign in and out at reception.
- All visitors will be issued with a badge which must be visible at all times whilst on the school site.
- If the school does not hold DBS information for you, you must remain under the supervision of a designated member of staff whilst on the school site.
If you have any concerns about a student and/or they disclose anything to you, you MUST inform the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or the DDSL (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) immediately.
- React calmly
- Listen carefully and sensitively to the student
- Do not promise confidentiality. Explain to the student that you may need to pass on the information if you are worried about their safety or the safety of others
- Do not question the student; only clarify what they are telling you. You may inadvertently compromise further enquiries.
- Reassure the student that they have done the right thing.
- Record exactly what was disclosed to you with the date, time and location. Sign this and pass it to the DSL or DDSL immediately. We have Yellow Forms for this purpose behind Main Reception. Please ask for one.
Report anything however trivial it may seem – it is your statutory duty to do this.
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Designated Safeguarding Lead - Sally Trebess | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Gus Fenn |
Other staff able to deal with safeguarding issues - Senior Leadership Team.
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Andy Scott-Evans | Emma-Jane Sharp | |
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Nina Chapman | Dave Hughes |
We always welcome our community of parents/carers providing their support to Becket Keys on a voluntary basis. If you wish to volunteer at Becket Keys, you will need to complete a volunteer form. Depending on the nature of your voluntary work, you may need to complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. Please contact reception for more information.
Conduct Whilst on Site
If you are on site to work or volunteer, please be professional. Think about how you interact with or speak to a student.
If you have concerns about the conduct of students or staff, please report these immediately to a senior member of staff. You can do this by alerting reception that you wish to speak to someone.
Please do not photograph/video students or give them your personal information, for example your telephone number or email address.
Please avoid physical contact with students unless you are protecting them from immediate harm.
Health and Safety
Please comply with all safety procedures e.g. leaving the building if a fire alarm sounds.
Should you have any concerns relating to a health and safety risk e.g. a blocked exit, please report these to reception who will pass on your concerns.
The fire alarm is a continuous siren. Please ask the staff member supervising you where you are required to exit the building and where the fire assembly point is. If you are helping to supervise students, please ensure they walk quietly and quickly to the appropriate assembly point and line up in silence.
First Aid
If you require First Aid during your visit, please contact the main school office or ask a member of staff to do so on your behalf. The First Aid room is located (on the ground floor of The Carey Building).
Please be mindful of the fact that lessons and extra-curricular activities take place throughout the school day and after school in all areas of the school. Please treat staff and students with respect and ensure that you do not attempt to gain access to the main school without staff supervision – to do so would compromise national safeguarding regulations. If you need to see a staff member, telephone the school to make an appointment rather than visiting unannounced. The chances are that staff are teaching or supervising children and will not be able to see you if you do not have an appointment.