Textiles (Art) - Year 9

Textiles (Art) Overview

Term 1: Fashion project

A01: Investigate sources; demonstrate critical understanding of sources

A02: Experiment with appropriate materials, techniques & processes


This project introduces students to the environmental impact of Textiles and allows students to explore recycling and upcycling as a means of making Textiles production more sustainable. They will learn about fashion design as a career.

In term 1, students learn about sustainability and investigate ethical fashion designers. Students learn about how different cultures live and work throughout the world.

Students get the opportunity to participate in the ‘Bin Bag Challenge’ where students work in groups, showing tolerance and mutual respect for each other. They create a fashion garment/ accessory made entirely of plastic bags and newspapers. Students will produce a series of drawings inspired by the theme.

Students will learn about:

●sustainable textiles/ moral and ethical issues in textiles production

●students make informed personal decisions regarding moral issues within the Textiles industry

●history of fashion and fashion design as a career

●up-cycling & recycling

●fashion drawing & illustration

Students will be taught how to:

● use a variety of drawing media

● draw figures accurately using a variety of methods

● produce fashion drawings

● produce fashion illustrations

● render fabrics to make them look realistic

●use their drawings as a starting point to develop ideas

  1. A01: Investigate sources; demonstrate critical understanding of sources

    A02: Experiment with appropriate materials, techniques & processes

Sustainable fashion

Sustainable fashion, also called eco fashion, is a part of the growing design philosophy and trend of sustainability, the goal of which is to create a system which can be supported indefinitely in terms of human impact on the environment.


Breaking down waste or products and making a new product from those broken down materials.

Ethical fashion

Ethical Fashion is an umbrella term to describe ethical fashion design, production, retail, and purchasing. It covers a range of issues such as working conditions, exploitation, fair trade, sustainable production, the environment, and animal welfare.

Haute Couture

Expensive, fashionable clothes produced by leading fashion houses.

Minimalistic style

A style or technique that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.


A decorative technique where a design is stitched onto two layers of cloth with a padded layer in-between.


Up-cycling: Taking a product or waste material in its current state and turning it into something new and useful.


Producing new clothes from old clothes

Zero waste

Waste and off-cuts from factories are used to make new garments.


Producing designs which use the minimum amount of fabric possible to avoid wastage.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

This project introduces students to the environmental impact of Textiles. It gives students plenty of opportunities to debate social, moral, cultural and environmental issues involved in Textiles production. Students take part in a group activity where they have to come up with ways to use plastic and newspapers to create a garment. This promotes awareness of recycling.

Create a supportive community:

Students have to work positively as part of a team. Students get to be in groups where they learn about helping the community.

Term 2: Fashion project

A02: Experiment with appropriate materials, techniques & processes

A03: Record ideas & observations

In term 2, students learn about a range of textiles techniques and will develop construction skills, enabling them to create their own unique bag.

Students will be taught how to:

●re-use discarded fabric using ‘applique’

●re-use discarded fabric using ‘reverse applique’

●’weave’ using recycled fabrics

●’slash’ fabric layers

●re-use discarded fabric using ‘patchwork’

●sew buttons/ bows/ tassels

Students will:

●produce samples of various textiles techniques

●produce a range of ideas for a recycled/ up-cycled bag

●produce a range of fashion illustrations inspired by the theme

  1. A02: Experiment with appropriate materials, techniques & processes

    A03: Record ideas & observations

Child labour

The employment of children in an industry or business, especially when illegal or considered exploitative.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters.


Trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers.

Zero waste

Waste and off-cuts from factories are used to make new garments.


A decorative technique where a design is stitched onto two layers of cloth with a padded layer in-between


Darts are folds and sewn into fabric to take in ease and provide shape to a garment.


Gathering is a sewing technique for shortening the length of a strip of fabric so that the longer piece can be attached to a shorter piece. It is commonly used in clothing to manage fullness, as when a full sleeve is attached to the armhole

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will support each other when using tools and equipment. This will enable students to experience leadership roles and will promote teamwork among students.

Create a supportive community:

Textiles provides an environment where students feel comfortable to express themselves in thoughtful and respectful ways.

Term 3: Fashion project

A03: Record final idea with annotations

A04: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions

In term 3, students will work on presenting a personal response final outcome in the form of a bag.

Students will:

●produce design ideas for their bag

●decorate fabric using fabric paints or pens/ coloured felts or pens

● use ‘slashing’, ‘applique’ ‘reverse applique’, ‘patchwork’ or ‘weaving’ to create their own unique recycled/ up-cycled bag

Students could also add a button/ bow/ tassel to their bag

*Students could also make new textiles items from old/ unused garments

  1. A03: Record final idea with annotations

    A04: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions


Darts are folds and sewn into fabric to take in ease and provide shape to a garment.


A pleat is a type of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and securing it in place. It is commonly used in clothing to shape garments to fit the body.


Gathering is a sewing technique for shortening the length of a strip of fabric so that the longer piece can be attached to a shorter piece. It is commonly used in clothing to manage fullness, as when a full sleeve is attached to the armhole.


A hem in sewing is a garment finishing method, where the edge of a piece of cloth is folded narrowly and sewn to prevent unravelling of the fabric.


A small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles. "she fished for her door key in her coat pocket"


To form (fabric or a fabric item) by interlacing long threads passing in one direction with others at a right angle to them.

Mass produced

An item made in large numbers using factory production methods

One off

One-off design means that the designer has made just one garment of a particular design.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will creatively approach the task of generating ideas for an up-cycled garment. Students will have to make decisions about their own work and what direction they wish to take it in. Students gain practical skills that will be useful throughout their life.

Create a supportive community:

Students support each other when using tools and equipment or carrying out practical tasks.

Term 4: Art unit

T4 to T6 is an Art unit. Please see the Art online curriculum for more details. Thank you.

Pattern repeat

An arrangement of repeated shapes or motifs.

Interior design

Interior design is the art of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. An interior designer is someone who plans, researches, coordinates, and manages such projects.

Textile design

Textile design is the process of creating designs for woven, knitted or printed fabrics. Textile designers are involved with the production of these designs, which are used, sometimes repetitively, in clothing and soft furnishings.

Block pattern repeat

The repeat unit is created by stacking the original repeat block in a grid format.

Half drop

It consists of the repeat unit being stacked vertically in a column format which is then offset by half in the next vertical row.

Brick pattern repeat

Just like the half drop, the brick repeat unit is also very commonly used in surface pattern repeats. It’s very similar to the half drop pattern repeat except instead of the repeat unit being stacked vertically in a column format, it

Diamond pattern repeat

A diamond surface pattern repeat is simply created with a repeating diamond shape which results in the elements being arranged in diagonal rows.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Producing artist studies will promote cultural awareness. Students will gain an understanding of the role that Textile design & Interior design play in society.

Create a supportive community:

Textiles provides an environment where students feel comfortable to express themselves in thoughtful and respectful ways.

Term 5: Art unit

T4 to T6 is an Art unit. Please see the Art online curriculum for more details. Thank you.

Textiles artist

Textile art is the creation of textiles or creation with textiles. Textile artists use various techniques to create works of art using threads and fibres sometimes in combination with paints or dyes.


Monoprinting is a form of printmaking that has lines or images that can only be made once unlike most printmaking, which allows for multiple originals.

Soft furnishing

Items made of cloth, such as curtains, chair coverings, etc., used to decorate a room.


May refer to the visual appearance of a work of art that relates it to other works by artists/ designers from a particular ‘genre’.


A creative brief is what a client will give to a designer/ artist to help them come up with a creative solution.


Forming a pleasing or consistent whole. Matching, balanced, proportional, in proportion, compatible, well matched, well proportioned, well balanced.

Aesthetically pleasing:

Aesthetically pleasing means it looks good to your eyes.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will work in pairs and groups when using tools, equipment, techniques & processes. This will enable students to experience leadership roles and will promote teamwork among students. Students will be able to reflect on the work of others and use it as inspiration for their work.

Create a supportive community:

Walkabout galleries at the end of lessons allow students to learn from each other’s work. Students learn how to give constructive feedback to each other in a respectful and thoughtful way.

Term 6: Art unit

T4 to T6 is an Art unit. Please see the Art online curriculum for more details. Thank you.

Aesthetically pleasing

Aesthetically meaning eyes. Pleasing meaning pleasureable. Aesthetically pleasing means it looks good to your eyes.

Mood board

An arrangement of images, materials, pieces of text, etc. intended to evoke or project a particular style or concept.


A hem in sewing is a garment finishing method, where the edge of a piece of cloth is folded narrowly and sewn to prevent unravelling of the fabric.

Heat transfer printing

The process of applying heat-applied materials to various items (i.e., substrates) with a heat press.


An image cut into card or another material that can then be used to make repeated identical images by the application of ink or paint through the holes.


Covering with a design in which one element covers part of another.


Contrast is a principle of art. When defining it, art experts refer to the arrangement of opposite elements e.g. light vs. dark colours; rough vs. smooth textures; large vs. small shapes, etc. in a piece so as to create visual interest.


Printing is the process of making images that can be transferred onto other surfaces. It can be used to make one or more identical images or to create repeating patterns on papers and textiles.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Supports students in becoming creative individuals who recognise the benefit of taking creative risks. Gives students the opportunity to explore & develop their own ideas and visions.

Create a supportive community:

Students will work in pairs and groups at various stages throughout the project. Students are required to interact throughout, whether it is being, involved in discussions or supporting each other during practical tasks.