Students engage in discussions about religion and spirituality with specific reference to the Christian faith. The intention would be that a visiting religious leader would come and lead at least one of the lessons.
Broaden curiosity and deepen understanding of spirituality.
Enrich our tolerant character towards those of the Christian faith, other faiths and none.
Development of Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. At GCSE students are given the experience of Public Speaking as part of the GCSE English Spoken Element. This course will build on that. They explore 3 key elements of the art of Public Speaking from the Book: “Talk like Ted” by Carmine Gallo: Emotional, Novel and Memorable. Students are then equipped with essential practical skills, associated with each element: Unleash the Master, Story Telling, Conversation, Teach Me Something New, Jaw Dropping Moments, Lighten Up, 18 Minute Rule, Paint A Mental Picture, Stay in Your Lane.
Develop the skills of public speaking and active listening.
Contribute to an on-line collaborative journal and video collection for the use and edification of the wider community.