Drama - Year 9

Drama Overview

Term 6: Macbeth

In support of the GCSE set text studied in English, students will practically explore the themes and characters in Macbeth. Through the medium of drama various extracts of the scripts will be performed within small groups.

  1. A devising process will be required in small groups to re-create aspects of this event. A portfolio of supporting evidence from each student will be submitted as evidence to support their practical creation.

A speech presented by a single character.


A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in pursuit of political aims.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will learn about the current and historical social issues, based on peoples own morals, beliefs and attitudes towards religion and war across the World.

Create a supportive community:

Group work, discussions, personalised learning and practical creativity.

Term 2: Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

Students will explore the play 'Blood Brothers' by Willy Russell. They will learn about the context, characters and key themes of the play through practical workshops and discussion.

  1. Students will perform extracts from the script. There will also be a selection of set questions based on the text. Students will be encouraged to perform a final monologue and duologue.
Multi role-play

Being more than one character in a performance.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will learn about the social status of different characters and their morals, beliefs and attitudes towards the subject matter of the play.

Create a supportive community:

Group work, discussions, personalised learning and script reading to each other.

Term 1: Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

Students will explore the play 'Blood Brothers' by Willy Russell. They will learn about the context, characters and key themes of the play through practical workshops and discussion.

  1. Students will perform extracts from the script. There will also be a selection of set questions based on the text. Students will be encouraged to perform a final monologue and duologue.

Part of a play with spoken parts for two characters.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will learn about the social status of different characters and their morals, beliefs and attitudes towards the subject matter of the play.

Create a supportive community:

Group work, discussions, personalised learning and script reading to each other.

Term 4: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Students will explore the play 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' by Mark Haddon. This will be studied in conjunction with the practitioner Frantic Assembly. This style of physical theatre will be explored practically via a devising process. A supporting document of evidence will also be produced by each student with details of their research and analysis of their practical work.

  1. Students will work as a company devising from the script. A portfolio of evidence will also be produced by each student outlining their individual roles, ideas and research.
Clocking the audience

A character acknowledges the audience's presence, looking/talking to them directly.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will learn about the social status of different characters and their morals, beliefs and attitudes towards the subject matter of the play.

Create a supportive community:

Group work, discussions, personalised learning and script reading to each other.

Term 3: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Students will explore the play 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' by Mark Haddon. This will be studied in conjunction with the practitioner Frantic Assembly. Students will adopt the dramatic style of physical theatre and create a physical performance via a devising process. They will keep a working log of their practical journey as supporting evidence for the final piece.

  1. Students will use the work of Frantic Assembly and research the style of theatre used in order to make clear connections with the play. A devising process will be required in small groups to re-create aspects of the text. A portfolio of supporting evidence from each student will be submitted in their booklets to highlight their devising journey.
Autistic spectrum

ASD - A term used to describe a number of symptoms and behaviors which affect the way in which a group of people understand and react to the world around them.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will learn about the social status of different characters and their morals, beliefs and attitudes towards the subject matter of the play.

Create a supportive community:

Group work, discussions, personalised learning and script reading to each other.

Term 5: Too Much Punch For Judy by Mark Wheeller

Students will focus on their performance skills within small groups. There will also be the opportunity for performances of character monologues and duologues from different aspects of the play. The key themes of the play will be explored and discussed through the practical medium of drama.

  1. A group or individual performance with a focus on characterisation using vocal and physical elements.
Verbatim Theatre

A form of documented theatre in which plays are constructed from the precise words spoken by people interviewed about a particular event or topic.


Part of a play with spoken parts for two characters.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will learn about the social status of different characters and their morals, beliefs and attitudes towards the subject matter of the play.

Create a supportive community:

Group work, discussions, personalised learning and script reading to each other.