Volunteering is an important part of the Sixth Form. Students are role models to the younger year groups and understand how important it is to give back to the school and contribute to the community. Volunteering enables students to gain in confidence and improves their communication and time management skills.
Students spend at least one period a week volunteering – with many doing lots more than this! This can include mentoring, although being a Prefect is completed on top of any volunteering. Volunteering can also take place outside of school hours and/or off site. It is important that students also look outside of the school community to give back to society.
Popular volunteering opportunities include:
- mentoring younger students
- supporting at extra-curricular clubs for younger students
- helping teachers of practical subjects prepare for lessons
- putting displays up around the school
- supporting at parents’ evenings and open evenings
- assisting at charity shops
- spending time in local primary schools
- visiting care homes
- supporting at animal shelters.