Becket Keys Best GCSE Results
Today, Becket Keys Church of England School is celebrating another set of excellent GCSE results. Students in the 2022 cohort have achieved the highest results the school has ever seen with more students entering the Ebacc and passing it strongly than ever before.
There are a number of individual success stories that result from notably high performance. One in five students in the school gained at least one of the most prestigious Grade 9s. This “rare grade” demonstrates performance above that of the old A*.
Our top performing students were Rebecca Lyle with nine Grade 9s and Anna Uings with eight Grade 9s. Both are looking forward to staying at Becket Keys for Sixth Form. Rebecca will study Maths, Further Maths, Mandarin and Chemistry and Anna is studying Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Geography.
Luca Lombard had the highest progress of any student in the school. Luca gained a Grade 8, four Grade 7s, four Grade 6s. Grade 7s and 8s count as equal to or better than an A Grade under the old system which means that Luca got five Grade As. Luca is looking forward to studying History, Psychology and Business here in the Becket Keys Sixth Form.
Lucy O’Hare is one of the school’s 35
students who study Chinese Mandarin. Once again, all of the students passed Mandarin. No one has ever failed
this language at GCSE or A-Level. 19 of the 35 students got a 7,8 or 9. Lucy got Grade 9s in Mandarin,
English, Physics and Drama. She also gained six Grade 8s. Lucy is looking forward to continuing her study of
Mandarin in the Sixth Form alongside Business and Psychology.
Archie Nott gained four Grade 9s in Spanish, Religion & Philosophy, Physics and History. Archie also gained four Grade 8s and two Grade 7s. Archie is delighted to continue his studies in the Becket Keys Sixth Form and has chosen Religion & Philosophy, Spanish and History.
Isabella Sharvona gained five Grade 9s in Music, History, Biology, English and Religion & Philosophy, three Grade 8s and two Grade 7s. This would equate to ten straight As under the old system. Her Grade 9 in Music is one of many extremely high grades in this subject. More than half of the students who studied Music got a 7,8 or 9.
Lois Parish whose family were part of the
founding group to start the school secured Grade 9s in Drama, History and Religion & Philosophy.
Additionally, she gained six Grade 8s and one Grade 7. Lois is going to follow in her siblings’ footsteps into
our Sixth Form to study Mathematics, Drama and Psychology.
Phillipa Burrell is following her passion for the performing arts by moving to Arts Ed (one of the top Drama Schools in the UK). Phillipa will study Dance, Drama and English Literature for A levels having gained 9s in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History and PE. Phillipa was also pleased to see three 8s and a 7 in her envelope this morning.
Mr Scott-Evans, Head Teacher, said, “The school has a growing reputation for academic excellence which has been demonstrated again this year. However, it is the progress that students make here which really makes us proud. Year in year out our school has shown that students here gain high grades, but this year has broken all the records! These grades represent the highest attainment yet. Almost a third of all our grades are 7s, 8s and 9s. That means the majority of our students open the envelope to find at least one!”
Colin Mackinlay, CEO of RET said: “I am taking particular delight in seeing the grades achieved by disadvantaged students at the school again this year. Across the curriculum, as a result of the excellent teaching in the school, the pupil premium cohort have made excellent progress.”
Jenny Downs, Chair of Governors said: “After a difficult time, as a result of the pandemic, I am delighted to see the school coming out with such excellent results. Staff and students have worked tirelessly through the year. I know many parents and students really appreciated the way teachers helped them to catch up using the interventions during holidays and after school. It is wonderful to feel like we are getting back to normal again.”
Lucy O’Hare, student said: “Two months before my first GCSE exams I decided to give up my phone: no social media, no notifications – nothing. I knew that discipline and dedication it took not to touch my phone was going to be a challenge, but I wouldn’t be here straight 8s and 9s if I hadn’t applied myself in this way. After the first week I realised that I didn’t even have the urge to use my phone anymore! My friends said that I was less insecure and happier at school, and they were so right.'